Prediction results for 2021-05-25Learn more
We provided a total of 236 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Tuesday 25th of May 2021 was 5 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Winning tickets estimated total value:
Prediction results for 2021-05-18Learn more
We provided a total of 221 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Tuesday 18th of May 2021 was 5 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Winning tickets estimated total value:
Prediction results for 2021-05-11Learn more
We provided a total of 252 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 45 was a winner!
The best prediction for Tuesday 11th of May 2021 was 6+1 winning numbers.
Winning tickets estimated total value:
Prediction results for 2021-05-04Learn more
We provided a total of 8 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Tuesday 4th of May 2021 was 4 winning numbers.
Winning tickets estimated total value: