Prediction results for 2021-10-26Learn more
We provided a total of 175,042 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Tuesday 26th of October 2021 was 6+1 winning numbers (on 5 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2021-10-19Learn more predicted THE JACKPOT for the Australia Oz Lotto draw that took place on Tuesday 19th of October 2021.
Beside the big prize winning ticket, we have also provided a total of other 203,289 winning tickets.
Prediction results for 2021-10-12Learn more
We provided a total of 136,878 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Tuesday 12th of October 2021 was 6 winning numbers (on 6 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2021-10-05Learn more
We provided a total of 97,781 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Tuesday 5th of October 2021 was 6 winning numbers (on 21 different tickets).