SA Daily Lotto Latest Results

SA Daily Lotto - Results | Predictions | Statistics

Friday, the 26th of July


Colors 49s pattern Cons Trends

Our best prediction for this draw

0407262731 ...and another 3 like this

Notable in these results

  1. Take a look at: 11, 31. Note how they all have the same last digit, which is 1
  2. Look how close to each other these 2 numbers have been: 4, 7. Only 3 numbers apart and they all share the same decade represented by number 0
  3. Except for 1 (4), all are odd numbers: (7, 11, 27, 31)
  4. It is worth mentioning that numbers 4, 7, 11 were also drawn in the latest Lotto Onsdag (1) results.
  5. Numbers 7 from this draw can be found in the previous SA Daily Lotto numbers and/or their neighbors.
  6. Although the first 3 statistical factors (Sum of numbers, Sum of digits and Numbers range) are mixed, they were one hair away from being the same.
  7. The greatest distance between two adjacent numbers in these results is 16 (11 to 27) while the smallest distance is 3 (4 to 7)

Brief latest statistics

Table containing the statistical factors updated after the latest results.

Latest results statistics table

Statistical factor C/V Change Trend
Sum of numbers 80 -3.61%
Sum of digits 26 -31.58%
Numbers range 27 %
Evens 1 -1
Odds 4 1
RD 2
RLd 2+2 1
Hot number 11 drawn N/A
Cold number 27 drawn N/A
Most overdue number 5 not drawn N/A
Repeating numbers N/A N/A

Stats table columns explained

  • Statistical factor = Describes what the value represent as follows:
    • Sum of numbers is the sum of all main numbers drawn in the latest results (4 + 7 + 11...)
    • Sum of digits is the sum of all digits that make up the numbers (4 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 7...)
    • Numbers range is the difference between the highest and lowest numbers in these results. In this particular case that would be 31 - 4
    • Evens shows how many even numbers have been drawn
    • Odds shows how many odd numbers have been drawn
    • RD represents the repeating decades. In these results the decade 0 showed up 2 times
    • RLd represents the repeating last digits. In the latest results last digit 7 showed up 2 times
    • Hot number, cold number and most overdue numbers should be pretty self explanatory
    • Repeating numbers, if any, are those drawn in the previous results
  • C/V = Current Value
  • Change = Change percentage compared to the previous results
  • Trend = Icon showing the trend of the current value compared to previous

Note: Trend column based on the previous results.

Last draw summary

The latest SA Daily Lotto results in a nutshell.

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Heat map

This heat map shows the frequency of each of the SA Daily Lotto numbers in the form of a color between yellow and red. The more the color of the lotto number is towards the red, the more frequently that particular number was drawn during all draws. The small black box over the upper left of each SA Daily Lotto number represents how many times that particular number has been drawn.

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Hot/Cold/Overdue numbers

The hot, cold and overdue numbers based on the last 4 weeks and 100 draws respectively.

↙ 4 weeks ↙ 100 draws

Next winning numbers

Want to know the next SA Daily Lotto winning numbers? The lotto numbers that followed (HAVE been drawn immediately after) the ones in this draw may provide a good clue.

↙ Show Me

Numbers that did not follow

These are the SA Daily Lotto numbers that NEVER followed (have never been drawn immediately after) the ones in this draw.

↙ Show Me

Average of numbers

This is the average of the SA Daily Lotto numbers based on the last 100 draws.

↙ Show Me

Comments, requests & suggestions

John Mark @ 2023-03-27 01:14 GMT | #2291

💬how to find prediction loto 6 japan and tips?Reply

Siyanda @ 2023-03-23 11:47 GMT | #2281

💬what is C2-1 and how to use it ?Reply

Shazel @ 2023-03-11 00:45 GMT | #2258

💬Goodday just found out about the page and so far so good, when do you load your predictions? Reply

Robbin @ 2023-03-03 14:02 GMT | #2217

💬Good day, what are the predictions of daily lotto of today.thank you.Reply

LottoMatic Re @ 2023-03-08 07:04 GMT

LottoMaticThey are available on the SA Daily Lotto predictions page

Wendy Re @ 2023-03-17 12:40 GMT

Plz share dailylotto number

Divine @ 2023-02-24 09:08 GMT | #2163

💬How do you know which page the best predictions are onReply

LottoMatic Re @ 2023-02-25 08:03 GMT

LottoMaticYou have to figure it out yourself.

Sindy Re @ 2023-05-22 15:52 GMT

How do I know the best page for prediction

LottoMatic Re @ 2024-06-21 09:15 GMT

LottoMaticThis is the SA Daily Lotto latest results page.

The one you're looking for is at

Siyanda @ 2023-02-10 09:07 GMT | #2074

💬I can't get daily lotto prediction is taking so long to show me prediction Reply

LottoMatic Re @ 2023-02-11 06:38 GMT

LottoMaticEverything's working fine at our end. It must be something related to your settings, system or internet connection. What browser are you using?

Sindy Re @ 2023-05-13 20:45 GMT

How to see the prediction of numbers for the next draw.i am registered member as of 12 May 2023

user-646fa171253a7 Re @ 2023-05-25 17:57 GMT

Plz can u send a predictions

michael @ 2023-02-08 07:32 GMT | #2034

💬Hi I wud like to know if my account does exist cos I can open predictions pageReply

LottoMatic Re @ 2023-02-08 08:12 GMT

LottoMaticPlease get in touch using our contact page
Make sure you use the Email address you signed up with. It's the only way we can identify your subscription/membership.

michael Re @ 2023-02-08 15:04 GMT

The prediction page keep on loading why

Siphelele Buthelezi @ 2023-02-05 14:11 GMT | #2023

💬Hi hud I would like to get more information about how u guys operate and how do I join ur group n how do I see the predictions noReply

LottoMatic Re @ 2023-02-08 08:13 GMT

LottoMatic"How we operate"... which aspect are you interested in exactly?

As for joining, you can become a LottoMatic member by using the LottoMatic Membership page

Yoliswa Mgushelo @ 2023-02-05 05:19 GMT | #2022

💬I like predectionReply

LottoMatic Re @ 2023-02-08 08:14 GMT

LottoMaticEverybody does :-)

kelvin @ 2022-11-30 02:49 GMT | #1775

💬can the number statistics page return to its number state in the sense that you can see overdue,least common numbers when you click it,it's bringing to suggestionsReply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-11-30 09:17 GMT

LottoMaticKelvin, not sure what you mean. Please explain.
The overdue, most and least common numbers are available right on this page...

nancy @ 2022-11-28 08:51 GMT | #1743

💬Good day where can l find the predictions that comes 60 minutes before draw . I cant find them

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-11-29 08:00 GMT

LottoMaticHello. They are on the SA Daily Lotto predictions page

Thelma @ 2022-11-27 03:28 GMT | #1728

💬Hi am looking for 3random predictions but i cant find them .Reply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-11-27 09:30 GMT

LottoMaticHello Thelma. Here is how to find them:

1 Go to the SA Daily Lotto predictions page
2. Click the "View predictions" button
3. On the page that loads, scroll down and click the "View SA Daily Lotto predictions for..." This will load the predictions for the corresponding date along with the filters.
4. Click "Filter" to reveal the filters
5. In the filters, click on "The 3 random" heating
6. Select "Yes" ("No" is selected by default)
7. Click on "Apply filter"

By following the above steps, the system will return only the 3 random predictions.

You can obviously keep filtering by applying other filters. Keep in mind that applying the 3 random prediction will cancel all other filters.

Hope this helps.

Patrick @ 2022-11-13 07:59 GMT | #1324

💬Hi can i get 4 numbers of predictions for sa daily lottoReply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-11-13 08:04 GMT

LottoMaticUse the "Quick Pick" or "Predictions" button towards the top of the page please.

nancy @ 2022-11-07 11:44 GMT | #1144

💬Good day .how do l upgrade my level.l can't find the optionReply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-11-07 13:11 GMT

LottoMaticYou got your answer on the home page

user-635e5a7f78ee0 @ 2022-11-03 07:10 GMT | #988

💬Hi, Please open predictions for non members
Thank you.Reply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-11-03 12:00 GMT

LottoMaticThey ARE open for non-members :-)

Jennylee Re @ 2022-12-04 21:47 GMT

Am a non member plz open the 3 random predictions plz

user-635e5a7f78ee0 @ 2022-10-31 01:46 GMT | #897

💬Hi, the "Give me a random..." heading has not been shown for the previous day 30/10/2022, seemingly today as well.Reply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-10-31 09:56 GMT

LottoMaticWhy not use the Quick Pick?

user-635e5a7f78ee0 @ 2022-10-30 11:05 GMT | #884

💬I would like to get predictions on daily lottoReply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-10-31 09:56 GMT

LottoMaticLook under the "Predictions" button at the top of the page.

Learnmore @ 2022-10-17 08:55 GMT | #494

💬I would like to hit a jackpot plzReply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-10-18 06:29 GMT

LottoMaticEveryone does :-)
Good luck!

Zila @ 2022-10-13 15:00 GMT | #340

💬Help me please Reply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-10-13 15:07 GMT

LottoMaticSure Zila. Just let us know what you need help with.

Johanna @ 2022-10-13 12:22 GMT | #332

💬Hi,would like to ask why the daily lotto prediction number are no longer appearing the way they used to?Reply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-10-13 15:04 GMT

LottoMaticHi Johanna. Not sure what you mean. Please let us know which change are you referring to.

Tlhogi @ 2022-10-10 14:07 GMT | #157

💬I can't seem to find the predictions before the draw, please assistReply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-10-10 14:10 GMT

LottoMaticHi Tlhogi.
The random prediction is on this very page, at the top. Look for the button labelled "Give me a random..."

The filterable predictions are also available. Look under the menu if you're a member or use the green "Help" button at the bottom of the page if you're not.

Let us know when you found them.

Derek White @ 2022-10-08 10:16 GMT | #36

💬[email protected]Reply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-10-08 10:19 GMT

LottoMaticDerek, if you have a comment or question for us, please clearly state it. Don't just post your Email or any other personal information here.

LottoMatic @ 2022-10-07 16:23 GMT | #5

💬Thank you Vutisani :-)

And good luck!Reply

Vutisani Mabaso @ 2022-10-07 16:15 GMT | #3

💬Very good thanks guys Reply

Official SA Daily Lotto website