Prediction results for 2019-12-25Learn more
We provided a total of 18,423 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 25th of December 2019 was 6 winning numbers (on 19 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-12-18Learn more
We provided a total of 15,200 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 18th of December 2019 was 6+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-12-11Learn more
We provided a total of 87 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 11th of December 2019 was 5+1 winning numbers (on 6 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-12-04Learn more
We provided a total of 2 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 4th of December 2019 was 4 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-11-27Learn more
We provided a total of 3 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 27th of November 2019 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 3 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-11-13Learn more
We provided a total of 749 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 13th of November 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 40 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-11-06Learn more
We provided a total of 35,690 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 6th of November 2019 was 6 winning numbers (on 11 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-10-30Learn more
We provided a total of 34,036 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 30th of October 2019 was 6 winning numbers (on 61 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-10-23Learn more predicted THE JACKPOT for the Lotto Onsdag (1) draw that took place on Wednesday 23rd of October 2019.
Beside the big prize winning ticket, we have also provided a total of other 71,676 winning tickets.
Prediction results for 2019-10-16Learn more
We provided a total of 66,625 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 16th of October 2019 was 6 winning numbers (on 72 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-10-09Learn more
We provided a total of 33,655 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 47 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 9th of October 2019 was 6 winning numbers (on 29 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-10-02Learn more
We provided a total of 57,530 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 2nd of October 2019 was 6 winning numbers (on 56 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-09-25Learn more
We provided a total of 14,769 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 25th of September 2019 was 6 winning numbers (on 17 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-09-18Learn more
We provided a total of 27,853 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 30 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 18th of September 2019 was 6 winning numbers (on 92 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-09-11Learn more predicted THE JACKPOT for the Lotto Onsdag (1) draw that took place on Wednesday 11th of September 2019.
Beside the big prize winning ticket, we have also provided a total of other 23,349 winning tickets.
Prediction results for 2019-09-04Learn more
We provided a total of 498 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 4th of September 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 12 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-08-28Learn more
We provided a total of 197 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 28th of August 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 3 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-07-31Learn more
We provided a total of 6,074 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 31st of July 2019 was 6 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2019-07-24Learn more
We provided a total of 120 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 43 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 24th of July 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 6 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-07-17Learn more
We provided a total of 1,150 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 17th of July 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 18 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-07-03Learn more
We provided a total of 103 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 3rd of July 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 9 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-06-26Learn more
We provided a total of 128 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 26th of June 2019 was 6 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-06-19Learn more
We provided a total of 20 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 39 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 19th of June 2019 was 5 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2019-06-12Learn more
We provided a total of 78 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 35 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 12th of June 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 9 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-06-05Learn more
We provided a total of 49 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 5th of June 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-05-29Learn more
We provided a total of 121 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 40 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 29th of May 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 8 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-05-22Learn more
We provided a total of 210 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 32 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 22nd of May 2019 was 6 winning numbers (on 4 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-05-15Learn more
We provided a total of 78 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 15th of May 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 4 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-05-08Learn more
We provided a total of 1,251 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 8th of May 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 32 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-05-01Learn more
We provided a total of 6,702 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 1st of May 2019 was 6+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2019-04-24Learn more
We provided a total of 1,150 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 24th of April 2019 was 5 winning numbers (on 18 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-04-17Learn more
We provided a total of 4,068 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 17th of April 2019 was 5+3 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2019-04-03Learn more
We provided a total of 1,269 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 3rd of April 2019 was 5+3 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2019-03-27Learn more
We provided a total of 157 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 27th of March 2019 was 4+3 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2019-03-20Learn more
We provided a total of 190 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 20th of March 2019 was 5+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2019-03-06Learn more
We provided a total of 614 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 6th of March 2019 was 5+2 winning numbers (on 5 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-02-27Learn more
We provided a total of 3,666 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 39 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 27th of February 2019 was 6+2 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2019-02-20Learn more
We provided a total of 715 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 20th of February 2019 was 4+3 winning numbers (on 7 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-02-06Learn more
We provided a total of 6,589 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 42 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 6th of February 2019 was 6+2 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2019-01-30Learn more
We provided a total of 747 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 30th of January 2019 was 4+3 winning numbers (on 4 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-01-23Learn more
We provided a total of 110 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 23rd of January 2019 was 5+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2019-01-16Learn more
We provided a total of 6,717 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 16th of January 2019 was 6+2 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2019-01-09Learn more
We provided a total of 2,032 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 9th of January 2019 was 5+3 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2019-01-02Learn more
We provided a total of 108 winning tickets for this draw.
The best prediction for Wednesday 2nd of January 2019 was 4+3 winning numbers.
The Lotto Onsdag (1) predictions for 2019 by month
Click on the buttons below to view the Lotto Onsdag (1) monthly predictions.
December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019