Prediction results for 2017-12-30Show me
We provided a total of 53,907 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 30th of December 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-12-27Show me predicted THE JACKPOT for the Ontario 49 Lotto draw that took place on Wednesday 27th of December 2017.
Beside the big prize winning ticket, we have also provided a total of other 30,650 winning tickets.
Prediction results for 2017-12-23Show me
We provided a total of 85,985 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 11 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 23rd of December 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-12-20Show me
We provided a total of 103,043 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 20th of December 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-12-16Show me
We provided a total of 45,902 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 16th of December 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-12-13Show me
We provided a total of 98,262 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 13th of December 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 9 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-12-09Show me
We provided a total of 137,113 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 9th of December 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 38 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-12-06Show me
We provided a total of 35,401 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 6th of December 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 5 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-12-02Show me
We provided a total of 100,340 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 2nd of December 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-11-29Show me
We provided a total of 50,997 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 29th of November 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 3 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-11-25Show me
We provided a total of 174,665 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 25th of November 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 16 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-11-22Show me
We provided a total of 34,224 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 22nd of November 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 6 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-11-18Show me
We provided a total of 62,485 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 18th of November 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 3 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-11-15Show me
We provided a total of 64,506 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 15th of November 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-11-11Show me
We provided a total of 75,000 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 11th of November 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-11-08Show me
We provided a total of 98,186 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 8th of November 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-11-04Show me
We provided a total of 51,519 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 4th of November 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 4 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-11-01Show me
We provided a total of 209,580 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 1st of November 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-10-28Show me
We provided a total of 29,530 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 28th of October 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 3 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-10-25Show me
We provided a total of 150,766 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 25th of October 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-10-21Show me predicted THE JACKPOT for the Ontario 49 Lotto draw that took place on Saturday 21st of October 2017.
Beside the big prize winning ticket, we have also provided a total of other 94,321 winning tickets.
Prediction results for 2017-10-18Show me
We provided a total of 142,442 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 18th of October 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 15 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-10-14Show me
We provided a total of 3,105 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 14th of October 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 3 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-10-11Show me
We provided a total of 8,457 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 18 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 11th of October 2017 was 3 winning numbers (on 39 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-10-07Show me
We provided a total of 79,818 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 10 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 7th of October 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 33 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-10-04Show me
We provided a total of 75,598 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 4th of October 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 39 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-09-30Show me
We provided a total of 71,351 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 30th of September 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-09-27Show me
We provided a total of 135,336 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 27th of September 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 10 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-09-23Show me
We provided a total of 90,808 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 23rd of September 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 10 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-09-20Show me
We provided a total of 30,312 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 20th of September 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 4 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-09-16Show me
We provided a total of 5,959 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 26 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 16th of September 2017 was 3+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-09-13Show me
We provided a total of 31,743 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 10 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 13th of September 2017 was 3+1 winning numbers (on 26 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-09-09Show me
We provided a total of 58,137 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 3 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 9th of September 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 13 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-09-06Show me
We provided a total of 7,397 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 4 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 6th of September 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-09-02Show me
We provided a total of 77,273 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 12 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 2nd of September 2017 was 3+1 winning numbers (on 84 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-08-30Show me
We provided a total of 3,769 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 30th of August 2017 was 3+1 winning numbers (on 5 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-08-26Show me
We provided a total of 56,370 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 26th of August 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-08-23Show me
We provided a total of 50,223 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 23rd of August 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 3 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-08-19Show me
We provided a total of 47,398 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 19th of August 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 8 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-08-16Show me
We provided a total of 421 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 3 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 16th of August 2017 was 3+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-08-12Show me
We provided a total of 83,665 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 12th of August 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 66 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-08-09Show me
We provided a total of 100,948 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 9 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 9th of August 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 14 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-08-05Show me
We provided a total of 42,848 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 11 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 5th of August 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-08-02Show me
We provided a total of 3,049 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 10 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 2nd of August 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-07-29Show me
We provided a total of 53,953 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 29th of July 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-07-26Show me
We provided a total of 13,590 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 11 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 26th of July 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-07-22Show me
We provided a total of 76,538 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 22nd of July 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 8 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-07-19Show me
We provided a total of 79,799 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 19th of July 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-07-15Show me
We provided a total of 70,720 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 15th of July 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 51 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-07-12Show me
We provided a total of 19,456 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 12th of July 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-07-08Show me
We provided a total of 45,085 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 8th of July 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 6 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-07-05Show me
We provided a total of 3,103 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 5th of July 2017 was 3+1 winning numbers (on 5 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-07-01Show me
We provided a total of 82,709 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 1st of July 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 3 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-06-28Show me
We provided a total of 82,982 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 28th of June 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 3 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-06-24Show me
We provided a total of 28,560 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 10 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 24th of June 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-06-21Show me
We provided a total of 79,575 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 21st of June 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 8 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-06-17Show me
We provided a total of 124,881 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 17th of June 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-06-14Show me
We provided a total of 72,093 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 14th of June 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 12 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-06-10Show me
We provided a total of 95,742 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 10th of June 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 8 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-06-07Show me
We provided a total of 89,519 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 7th of June 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 5 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-06-03Show me
We provided a total of 37,969 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 3rd of June 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 4 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-05-31Show me
We provided a total of 58,610 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 11 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 31st of May 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 27 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-05-27Show me
We provided a total of 860 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 3 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 27th of May 2017 was 3 winning numbers (on 76 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-05-24Show me
We provided a total of 149,022 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 4 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 24th of May 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 11 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-05-20Show me
We provided a total of 120,925 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 20th of May 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 26 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-05-17Show me predicted THE JACKPOT for the Ontario 49 Lotto draw that took place on Wednesday 17th of May 2017.
Beside the big prize winning ticket, we have also provided a total of other 48,385 winning tickets.
Prediction results for 2017-05-13Show me
We provided a total of 90,654 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 13th of May 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 23 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-05-10Show me
We provided a total of 85,144 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 10th of May 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-05-06Show me
We provided a total of 52,557 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 6th of May 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-05-03Show me
We provided a total of 53,798 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 9 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 3rd of May 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 7 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-04-29Show me
We provided a total of 79,699 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 29th of April 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 10 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-04-26Show me
We provided a total of 44,283 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 10 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 26th of April 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-04-22Show me
We provided a total of 140,715 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 22nd of April 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 5 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-04-19Show me
We provided a total of 1,968 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 19th of April 2017 was 3+1 winning numbers (on 6 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-04-15Show me
We provided a total of 89,201 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 15th of April 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 11 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-04-12Show me
We provided a total of 29,028 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 12th of April 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-04-08Show me
We provided a total of 149,182 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 8th of April 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-04-05Show me
We provided a total of 91,884 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 5th of April 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-04-01Show me
We provided a total of 15,675 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 1st of April 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-03-29Show me predicted THE JACKPOT for the Ontario 49 Lotto draw that took place on Wednesday 29th of March 2017.
Beside the big prize winning ticket, we have also provided a total of other 113,516 winning tickets.
Prediction results for 2017-03-25Show me
We provided a total of 36,005 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 25th of March 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 117 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-03-22Show me
We provided a total of 143,220 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 22nd of March 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 25 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-03-18Show me
We provided a total of 49,004 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 18th of March 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 4 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-03-15Show me
We provided a total of 10,782 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 15th of March 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 21 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-03-11Show me
We provided a total of 61,836 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 11th of March 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 4 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-03-08Show me
We provided a total of 59,610 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 8th of March 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 4 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-03-04Show me
We provided a total of 5,825 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 4th of March 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 17 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-03-01Show me
We provided a total of 40,669 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 8 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 1st of March 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 5 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-02-25Show me
We provided a total of 51,689 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 25th of February 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 8 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-02-22Show me
We provided a total of 60,247 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 9 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 22nd of February 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 3 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-02-18Show me
We provided a total of 43,513 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 18th of February 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 7 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-02-15Show me predicted THE JACKPOT for the Ontario 49 Lotto draw that took place on Wednesday 15th of February 2017.
Beside the big prize winning ticket, we have also provided a total of other 33,587 winning tickets.
Prediction results for 2017-02-11Show me
We provided a total of 55,797 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 11 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 11th of February 2017 was 5 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-02-08Show me
We provided a total of 214,911 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 8th of February 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-02-04Show me
We provided a total of 217,864 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 7 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 4th of February 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers.
Prediction results for 2017-02-01Show me
We provided a total of 26,216 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 1st of February 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 4 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-01-25Show me
We provided a total of 29,071 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 25th of January 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 6 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-01-21Show me
We provided a total of 16,786 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 21st of January 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 100 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-01-18Show me
We provided a total of 13,413 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 11 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 18th of January 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 25 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-01-14Show me
We provided a total of 31,058 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 14th of January 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 6 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-01-11Show me
We provided a total of 4,509 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 17 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 11th of January 2017 was 3+1 winning numbers (on 4 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-01-07Show me
We provided a total of 3,715 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 6 was a winner!
The best prediction for Saturday 7th of January 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 22 different tickets).
Prediction results for 2017-01-04Show me
We provided a total of 4,479 winning tickets for this draw. Approximately one ticket in 5 was a winner!
The best prediction for Wednesday 4th of January 2017 was 5 winning numbers.
The Ontario 49 Lotto predictions for 2017 by month
Click on the buttons below to view the Ontario 49 Lotto monthly predictions.
December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017