Daily Grand Canada results 2019-03-21

Daily Grand Canada - Results | Predictions | Statistics

Thursday, the 21st of March

Notable in these results

  1. Take a look at: 19, 49. Note how they all have the same last digit, which is 9
  2. The greatest distance between two adjacent numbers in these results is 15 (34 to 49) while the smallest distance is 4 (15 to 19)
  3. Numbers 1 from this draw can be found in the previous Daily Grand Canada numbers and/or their neighbors.
  4. The first 3 statistical factors (Sum of numbers, Sum of digits and Numbers range) are mixed.
  5. Except for 2 (30, 34), all are odd numbers: (15, 19, 49)
  6. Look how close to each other these 2 numbers have been: 15, 19. Only 4 numbers apart and they all share the same decade represented by number 1

Daily Grand Canada statistics for 2019-03-21

Statistical factor Value Trend Change
Sum of numbers 147 42.72%
Sum of digits 39 25.81%
Numbers range 34 -26.09%
Evens 2 2
Odds 3 -2
Repeating Decades 2+2
Repeating last digits 2 -1
Hot number 1 drawn
Cold number 44 not drawn
Most overdue number 44 not drawn
Repeating numbers 1

Note: Trend column based on the previous results.

Comments, requests & suggestions

ramin @ 2024-06-25 17:41 GMT | #2588

💬Hi There,
Seems again Daily Grand is not updated.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


LottoMatic Re @ 2024-06-26 05:47 GMT

LottoMaticIt is now :-)

ramin @ 2024-06-21 05:54 GMT | #2509


Why are Daily Grand results not updated?

The Latest Results are for 23MAY24 .

Please update the Daily Grand Latest Results because right now, this Level 1 subscription does not benefit me for next draw, and I'm paying for nothing


LottoMatic Re @ 2024-06-21 07:33 GMT

LottoMaticHi Ramin.
The Daily Grand Canada have been updated.
Thanks for letting us know.

ramin Re @ 2024-06-22 00:19 GMT

Thank you so much for your rapid response. can you please do the same updates for BC49?

Best Regards.

LottoMatic Re @ 2024-06-22 06:16 GMT

LottoMaticCanada BC49 has been updated.

ramin Re @ 2024-06-24 18:49 GMT

Thank you so much !

LottoMatic Re @ 2024-06-24 19:29 GMT


ramin @ 2022-12-03 06:26 GMT | #1828

💬Hi, how can I reach to "Hot Numbers", "Cold Numbers" and "Most Overdue" numbers?Reply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-12-11 13:54 GMT

LottoMaticPlease use the "Hot/Cold/Overdue" buttons above.

Official Daily Grand Canada website
