Daily Grand Canada results 2019-04-01

Daily Grand Canada - Results | Predictions | Statistics

Monday, the 1st of April

Notable in these results

  1. The first 3 statistical factors (Sum of numbers, Sum of digits and Numbers range) are all up compared to the previous ones.
  2. Only even numbers in these results!
  3. Take a look at: 38, 48. Note how they all have the same last digit, which is 8
  4. Look how close to each other these 2 numbers have been: 30, 38. Only 8 numbers apart and they all share the same decade represented by number 3
  5. None of the numbers in these results are numbers from the previous Daily Grand Canada results or their neighbors.
  6. The greatest distance between two adjacent numbers in these results is 22 (2 to 24) while the smallest distance is 6 (24 to 30)

Daily Grand Canada statistics for 2019-04-01

Statistical factor Value Trend Change
Sum of numbers 142 91.89%
Sum of digits 34 70%
Numbers range 46 318.18%
Evens 5 2
Odds 0 -2
Repeating Decades 2 -2
Repeating last digits 2
Hot number 1 drawn
Cold number 44 not drawn
Most overdue number 44 not drawn
Repeating numbers N/A

Note: Trend column based on the previous results.

Comments, requests & suggestions

ramin @ 2024-06-25 17:41 GMT | #2588

💬Hi There,
Seems again Daily Grand is not updated.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


LottoMatic Re @ 2024-06-26 05:47 GMT

LottoMaticIt is now :-)

ramin @ 2024-06-21 05:54 GMT | #2509


Why are Daily Grand results not updated?

The Latest Results are for 23MAY24 .

Please update the Daily Grand Latest Results because right now, this Level 1 subscription does not benefit me for next draw, and I'm paying for nothing


LottoMatic Re @ 2024-06-21 07:33 GMT

LottoMaticHi Ramin.
The Daily Grand Canada have been updated.
Thanks for letting us know.

ramin Re @ 2024-06-22 00:19 GMT

Thank you so much for your rapid response. can you please do the same updates for BC49?

Best Regards.

LottoMatic Re @ 2024-06-22 06:16 GMT

LottoMaticCanada BC49 has been updated.

ramin Re @ 2024-06-24 18:49 GMT

Thank you so much !

LottoMatic Re @ 2024-06-24 19:29 GMT


ramin @ 2022-12-03 06:26 GMT | #1828

💬Hi, how can I reach to "Hot Numbers", "Cold Numbers" and "Most Overdue" numbers?Reply

LottoMatic Re @ 2022-12-11 13:54 GMT

LottoMaticPlease use the "Hot/Cold/Overdue" buttons above.

Official Daily Grand Canada website
