New York (NY) lottery predictions February 2017

Prediction results for 2017-02-25

We provided a total of 34,566 winning tickets for this draw.
Our best prediction for Saturday 25th of February 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 31 different tickets).

Winning tickets estimated total value:


Prediction results for 2017-02-22

We provided a total of 31,018 winning tickets for this draw.
Our best prediction for Wednesday 22nd of February 2017 was 5 winning numbers (on 5 different tickets).

Winning tickets estimated total value:


Prediction results for 2017-02-18

We provided a total of 5 winning tickets for this draw.
Our best prediction for Saturday 18th of February 2017 was 3+1 winning numbers.

Winning tickets estimated total value:


Prediction results for 2017-02-15

We provided a total of 15,100 winning tickets for this draw.
Our best prediction for Wednesday 15th of February 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 8 different tickets).

Winning tickets estimated total value:


Prediction results for 2017-02-11

We provided a total of 29,764 winning tickets for this draw.
Our best prediction for Saturday 11th of February 2017 was 5+1 winning numbers.

Winning tickets estimated total value:


Prediction results for 2017-02-04

We provided a total of 220 winning tickets for this draw.
Our best prediction for Saturday 4th of February 2017 was 4 winning numbers (on 9 different tickets).

Winning tickets estimated total value:


Prediction results for 2017-02-01

We provided a total of 481 winning tickets for this draw.
Our best prediction for Wednesday 1st of February 2017 was 4+1 winning numbers (on 2 different tickets).

Winning tickets estimated total value:



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